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New York Resident Charged with Money Laundering and Conspiracy to Traffic in Cocaine Goes Home with a Dismissal

March 22, 2016

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Miami-Dade narcotics detectives along with DEA agents arrested three men who traveled to Miami to allegedly purchase four kilos of cocaine. Law enforcement officers alleged that our client traveled to Miami from New York in a pick-truck with more than $40,000 concealed in a hidden compartment.

Money laundering case
One of the men made contact with an undercover police officer in a mall parking lot and discussed completing the transaction. Our client was in the parking lot watching the alleged negotiations. The criminal lawyers at DMT were able to convince the prosecution that no evidence existed to prove that our client was part of the conspiracy to purchase the cocaine from the undercover officer. Although our client was in possession of a large sum of money, the prosecutor could not prove the funds were derived from a criminal source and therefore could not prosecute the money laundering case. DMT was able to point out these deficiencies to prosecuting authority, who in turn, dismissed all of the charges brought against our client.
Categories: State Felony Cases
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