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Miami Resident Enters Guilty Plea in Medicare Fraud Case

January 13, 2010

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A South Florida resident appeared in federal court and entered a guilty plea in a Medicare fraud case. Ingrid Mazorra plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit Medicare fraud. The indictment alleges that Mazorra, in 2006, assisted in the operation of medical clinic that billed for fraudulent infusions. The clinic she operated was located in Livonia, Michigan and operated under the title Xpress Center, Inc. After her arrest in Miami, she agreed to have her case transferred to the United States District Court in the Southern District of Florida. What is unusual about the case is that the defendant' case was transferred to Miami. Mazorra's Miami criminal lawyer appeared on her behalf at the change of plea.

After Mazorra entered her plea of guilty, she admitted in open court to being involved in the health care scheme to defraud. She also admitted that her clinic billed Medicare for unnecessary medical services and equipment or billed for services and equipment that was never provided. The clinic recruited patients to attend the clinic in exchange for cash payments. In exchange for the cash payment, fraudulent patients would visit the clinic and fill out Medicare paperwork indicating that they had received the treatment and/or medical supplies. On some occasions kickbacks were payed, not in cash, but in the form of prescriptions for narcotic drugs. Mazorra admitted to billing Medicare in excess of $2.3 million to the federal healthcare program with Medicare actually paying $1.8 million in claims.

The investigation into Xpress Center, Inc. was conducted by the Detroit office of the FBI and Health and Human Services. The case was brought to federal prosecutors from the Medicare Fraud Strike Forces which is now operating in full force in Miami, Los Angeles, Detroit, Houston, Brooklyn, Tampa and Baton Rouge. The strike force has successfully obtained indictments against more than 460 individuals and organization responsible for bilking the federal healthcare system out of more than $1 billion. The federal government is trying to make good on its promise to derail the systemic Medicare fraud problem in the United States.

The federal government is continuing the ongoing battle against individuals committing fraud against the federal health care system. With the expansion of the Mortgage Task Force, it is apparent that the number of indictments in federal court will increase until the problem is eradicated. If you are contacted by law enforcement regarding an investigation into Medicare fraud, it is imperative to seek the advice of an experienced Miami Medicare fraud lawyer to discuss your options. Under no circumstance, should you speak with investigators without the assistance of an attorney.

Clinic Manager Pleads Guilty in Medicare Fraud Scheme, PR Newswire, January 12, 2010.
Categories: Fraud
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