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What to Do If You Are Facing Deportation for Illegal Immigration

February 21, 2017

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Picture of a Passport, Learn What to do If You are Facing Deportation from Miami Criminal Defense Lawyers
If you, your family, or a loved one are in this country as an undocumented immigrant, you should develop a full understanding of what may qualify you for investigation or deportation. If someone you know gets arrested or is found to meet a few qualifications, then he or she will be in danger of being deported. How far will the current administration go? If you do get arrested, is it possible to overcome these charges? Can a good immigration lawyer help you get an alternative to deportation? Read on for some insight from our Miami criminal defense lawyers.

What Plans Has the Trump Administration Made?

During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised to fix America's immigration problems. He vowed to build a wall and deport immigrants. True to his word, President Trump has aggressively and quickly commenced his mission of delivering on campaign promises. The President has announced Immigration and Customs (ICE) will focus on deportation of the following categories of individuals.

  • Individuals with pending criminal cases;
  • Individuals with criminal convictions;
  • Individuals with a final order of removal;
  • Individuals that have committed fraud or misrepresentation in applications to the government;
  • Individuals they believe pose a threat to public safety or national security

  • Can anything be done to prevent an individual that falls within one of these categories from being deported? Yes.

    What Can Donet, McMillan & Trontz Do?

    The attorneys at Donet, McMillan & Trontz have successfully defended criminal charges. We have convinced prosecutors to dismiss charges because of a lack of supporting evidence. Our attorneys have prevailed at trial with not guilty verdicts rendered by a jury. Because of legal or factually deficient circumstances, we have been successful in a motion to dismiss charges or suppression of evidence which ultimately resulted in the charges being dropped.

    Is There Any Way to Get Rid of a Criminal Conviction?

    A removal of a criminal conviction is also possible. Convictions from years ago can be reviewed and evaluated to determine if a modification of the conviction is possible. Our lawyers have enjoyed tremendous success in having past convictions vacated and the charges reduced to something that will not result in a deportation. In certain cases, we have also convinced the prosecutor to vacate the old conviction and then dismiss the charge completely. Each case and court jurisdiction is different and accordingly, presents a host of issues that must be examined to determine if a criminal conviction can be modified.

    Picture of Miami Criminal Defense Lawyers
    Is Miami-Dade County Going to Cooperate with the Trump Administration?

    Trump's executive order on immigration addressed sanctuary cities, and in response, Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez amended the local policy accordingly. He immediately ordered that jails comply with detention requests for illegal immigrants from the federal government. As such, those in Miami-Dade County can only rely on their legal representation to help them out of a tough situation. The "catch and release" style law enforcement that Miami area immigrants have experienced for the past few years will no longer be the policy of much of the state, and there is a very real threat of deportation for any immigrant who is arrested and does not have all the legal documentation ready to prove that he or she is here legally.

    The attorneys at Donet, McMillan & Trontz have more than 50 years of combined knowledge and experience in handling post judgment matters. Allow us the opportunity to evaluate your situation and potentially help you. Always have an attorney's number at the ready in case of an arrest or investigation by police – what you say to a police or immigration officer can and will be used against you in a court of law. Contact us at Donet, McMillan & Trontz to learn more.
    Categories: Immigration
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