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Medicare Fraud

Calculator on Top of Medicare Application Form Representing Instances of Medicare Fraud

Nov 25, 2024

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Under federal law, any individual or organization that knowingly and willfully defrauds Medicare may face severe penalties.
Close-up of Handcuffed Healthcare Professional After Paying Patients with Gift Cards

Nov 10, 2023

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The defendants paid kickbacks to Medicaid recipients for psychosocial rehabilitation services that were not needed. The alleged fraud resulted in losses to the state Medicaid program of over $100,000.
Stethoscope and Red Post-it Note With the Words Medicare Fraud

Sep 16, 2021

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With COVID-19, PPP fraud charges have become commonplace in every federal district across the United States. The number of Medicare fraud cases handled in past months serves as a perfect example.

Jun 22, 2015

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Agents from the FBI and Health and Human Services made arrests from Miami to Alaska last week as agents fanned out across the country, arresting doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals ...

Apr 09, 2013

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Last Friday, in a federal courtroom packed with spectators and family members, a federal judge handed down lengthy prison sentences to three family members who were previously found guilty for thei...

Nov 20, 2012

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A federal judge in the Southern District of Florida sentenced two defendants for their involvement in a Medicare fraud case. Both defendants were patient recruiters that worked for mental health cl...
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