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Federal Crimes

Close-up of Handcuffed Healthcare Professional After Paying Patients with Gift Cards

Nov 10, 2023

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The defendants paid kickbacks to Medicaid recipients for psychosocial rehabilitation services that were not needed. The alleged fraud resulted in losses to the state Medicaid program of over $100,000.
White Facemask Over Dollar Bills With the Words Paycheck Protection Program

Sep 30, 2020

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With each passing week, federal prosecutors are holding more and more press conferences regarding the latest arrests and indictments involving Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) fraud. Anyone indict...
Protect Your Hard-Earned Money from Illegal Seizure

Jun 23, 2020

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The U.S CBP is seizing millions of dollars from passengers. Protect your hard-earned money from illegal seizure. Click to read the complete blog post.

May 14, 2020

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Federal Government to Take Swift Legal Action Against Stimulus Fraud. Click to read complete blog post.

Aug 11, 2014

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A former South Florida clinic owner and several other individuals have been charged in federal court for the offenses of selling performance enhancing drugs and conspiracy to sell performance enhan...
Computed Code Undergoing a Cyber Crime

Jun 09, 2014

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The Federal Bureau of Investigation along with other law enforcement agencies are targeting individuals involved in fraud schemes that are committed through the use of the internet. Specifically,...

Mar 25, 2013

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As federal budget cuts occur across the nation, the criminal justice system will not be able to avoid the same fate as other areas of government. Federal public defenders' offices all over the coun...

Jan 02, 2013

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Federal prosecutors out of New Jersey have charged a disbarred Pinecrest personal injury attorney and three others with conspiracy to transport stolen firearms and conspiracy to sell stolen propert...

Aug 02, 2012

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Numerous members of the same family have been arrested and charged in federal court for trafficking in marijuana. A father and four sons have been indicted for owning and operating 20 hydroponic gr...

Nov 04, 2010

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A defendant appeared in federal court for his sentencing hearing having already pled guilty to an indictment alleging the theft of patient records from Jackson Memorial Hospital. The defendant, eld...

Mar 11, 2010

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The FBI with assistance of Italian law enforcement authorities arrested key figures allegedly connected with the Mafia. The arrests come as a result of the international crackdown on worldwide orga...

Mar 10, 2010

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Reports indicate that a diver high-profile account will enter a guilty plea in federal court to fraud charges which allege that he embezzled in excess of $2.6 million. Lewis Freeman is accused to s...

Mar 05, 2010

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Two South Florida residents have been arrested and divally charged with operating a major student visa fraud ring. Government prosecutors have alleged that the two women defrauded the federal gover...

Feb 26, 2010

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The head of the United States Department of Justice criminal division held a conference for criminal defense lawyers at which he explained the new tools the federal government was using to fight wh...
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